Virtual Travel Hub provides our members up to 65% savings on everything travel!looking to save on travel?
Take a closer look and see for yourself!
Want to “Get-A-Way” for work or pleasure? Or Both? You can spend a lot of time looking online at various travel sites comparing the same services or activities trying to find the best price. Virtual Travel Hub offers exclusive travel portals which allows your company to create a Travel Hub that works for your community! Let us help take the guess work out of Travel & open a new opportunity for you, your friends, your business, its employees, community members, and attendees to save on on all your travel needs. As long as you have an active member account in a hub, you will receive 24/7 access to aggressive non-published discounts. It’s a win WIN for everyone!
How can we offer ridiculously low Travel rates & benefits?
Backed by the world’s largest travel companies, Virtual Travel Hub has proprietary technology that is integrated into wholesale travel pricing not available to other online sites. This provides the ability for us to pass the savings on to you!
For businesses, departments or event coordinators, we will help provide custom branded solutions that you can creatively use for all your employees, members or community to access and take advantage of these heavy discounts. Everyone saves!